Do you know about the largest cave in this whole world, which is an environmental institution in you, and with it its clouds are formed in it

It is true that in Vietnam .
It is a cave that was built three to four million years ago, but we did not know about it for many thousands of years.

Some years ago in 1991, it was discovered by Ho Khanh, a local logger. 

It contains many kinds of trees and living beings inside it. 

 Its special thing is that the sun rays never come in any way here. Due to this the cave is always densely dark.

In today's time, this cave has been opened for tourists, but even today it should be amended.  

We see in many types of movies that there are many different kinds of living beings in this world. 

Likewise many different kinds of creatures have also been found here.

Are you thinking of going here too?  There are beautiful places, but some times the government there does not let us go to look inside. 

The most important reason for this is that many of them are not destroyed. 

Because of this, the government only gives a few thousand people in a year  Are allowed to go there.

The length and breadth of this cave are the highest.

This is why it is called the largest cave in the world. Since 2013, the government has allowed that tourists can come here to visit.

Let's see. And the rain here is also according to it. 

It is also named in today's era and it is Hang Son Doong.

There are many places in this cave. We hear many cave names in the world. 

Such as Mammath Cave.  

There are also the largest caves in the world. These caves are very sensitive. 

It has been reported that there are many types of new birds species. 

It is only some distance away from the Great Wall of Vietnam.

We also hear that many people in the cave  They give up their lives but nothing like this has been found here. 

Along with this there are caves named Eagles Nest in the world where there are suicides.

It is said that in history, workers and slaves used to give their lives here.

Kubera cave in the world.  The smallest cave is believed to be in a city called Georgia. 

Whenever we go to any cave, we get the scent of the land there.

Whenever you go, always remember one thing that the people who are supposed to tell you in many places take a lot of money.


I hope that you will like this information. And you will also get to know about this biggest cave in Vietnam.  

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