The private school Bill Gates attended as a child was one of the only schools in the U.S.

Do you know these given things about Bill Gates school.

Image credit- forbes 

So today we are going to know some interesting facts about the Bill Gates.

Anyone who is an illiterate man of this world must have heard the name of Bill Gates once. He is the richest man in the world. 

We keep thinking every time that our school is not good. There are many reasons. 

You will be surprised to know that when Bill Gates studied in the primary school, there was an undeveloped computer. 

In today's schools, there are many more good computers and that too in primary schools.
There were no good things in it. 

In that school, he had learned a lot at that time.He was also the best friend of his childhood and the most famous among them was Paul Allen.

 He is American and his company today  One of the largest companies in the world.

When he was younger, he also created a program in primary schools. 

His school name was Lakeside. He is enrolled in this world in many ways.

As a technologist, businessman, a leader.
His family was very supportive of him. 

Today he is preparing new modern softwares to come. It is believed that his IQ level is 160. 

He has children today and he does his own business. 

He was a Millionaire only when he was in his 30s.

We hear a lot of great things about him, but he is also a human being. He once drive an unlicensed car and arrested him for this.  

In the year 1997, he says that you are born from a poor family, it is not your fault, but if you die as a poor, then it is your fault.  

But nowadays many colleges in this world have given forbidden degrees.

He has written many types of books. 

Today he also works for the progress of the company and his age is near 65 years.

Today many companies are building new softwares with them.

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