Prong horned antelope have 10X vision, which means on a clear night they can see the rings of Saturn.

today we are going to know some  interesting facts about the antelope.

We see this Animal mostly in Africa, Asia and America. It has some very special things that we are always hearing nowadays. It is his eyes.

It is said that antelope is very fast and heavy weight. 

They live mostly in the herd. But the herd also has the highest number of females and the number of males is small.

It looks exactly like a deer but even then there is a lot of difference in some things. 

They are less, such as 80km / h so. 
Weights are found in between 120 to 270. 

It has a life expectancy of only 20 years.
When we see the eyes in it, it is on the side of the nose and its eyes. 

He is so fast that he can see the rings of Saturn, due to which he is able to take good image of all the enemies. Its color is gray. 

It is due to its eyes that it is famous all over the world. A group of antelopes is known as a herd.

Antelopes can be very social. The
wildebeests, for example, migrate in herds of thousands.

Antelopes are herbivores, which means they only eat plants, seeds, and grass.

They are smart in looking for food.
They look for good grass to graze on by following the patterns of rains.

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