Obsidian blades, which have been used as surgical tools : sharpest edges

I think you must have seen many edged knives.of this world, but do you know that our ancestors also used knives

Many people have a hand in the development and progress of human beings. 

Whenever we used to hit something.

Some knives used to be broken, but you would be surprised to know that in earlier times there were many types of operations.

and all these operations were done through a blade called obsidian.

This was the smallest sharpened thing in the world at that time.  

It can be said. It was available to humans free by nature. 

It used to be prepared where there is lava 

the big mountains. It looks like a machete.
But we find its color black. 

Then all kinds of our cells can be cut. Even if we touch a little bit, we may get a lot of wounds.  People use it. 

It is made up of metals that come in hot lava.

In today's time, we cannot use it because its most weakness is that it can break at any time. 

Due to the breakage, we may have a lot of problems with it and our lives can also be lost.

With this, we have today  It is not even needed, we have a lot of new products that we use today.

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