Too much stress can cause your brain to 'freeze' and temporarily shut down.

Do you also have a lot of tension? and due to this, you get tired while working. 

It can affect our life and see remedies along with it.

Your life has become such that everyone has to talk about things. 

There are problems. Due to this, many new diseases have caught you in mind.

We also see many students who take a lot of traces and are afraid of exams. 

Whenever we think more, our brain starts getting tired.

This is a very bad thing for the students. Whenever you think of an idea, our brain puts all its energy into doing that work. 

Now many people will have questions about how to stop it?, we have no control over it.  it happens.

But you will be surprised to know, that we can control this ourselves. 

We can get control of thousands of problems by doing meditation in the morning.

Meditation is a very effective method that keeps you ready to work all day.  

The CPU of a computer is like it is our brain is just a big difference that we can store memory in many infinite TB in the brain.

Stress can also be called normal. Small things around us can also give us a trace.  

It is like listening to a song in a loud voice and many other things.

The tress does not come from just one thing, it depends on all the things that how we are living. 

So did you ever think that we could do it but  Not done it?

Just like we go to the examinations and we are not remembering things.

it all at the time of examination. It also happens to us many times. 

It starts happening every day. And it can also cause brain diseases. We can also die due to a pulmonary clot. But you don't have to be surprised. Whenever there is a problem, there is a solution for this.

The stress hormone cortisol is ready due to stress and it puts your addiction to it. 

The first thing is that we have to work with a free mind no matter what. Sometimes the boss  Pressure is there.

Our health is the most important and we have nothing to do with this world. 

We think about it a thousand times before anything happens. 

So this is why part of our brain gives us amygdala and stress and  At the same time, our body has hormonal changes.

Serotonin and dopamine are responsive to our happiness.

These neurotransmitters are released in small amounts due to which we go into depression.

Some experiments have shown that, for this reason, we have diseases that occur are very deadly and after some time your brain starts to freeze.

The strength of thinking decreases. All the glands of the pituitary, adrenal and medulla, hypothalamus affect our lives. Our memories also. There is a loss.

The blood-brain barrier protects us from toxic elements.

The folds in the brain are responsible for our intelligence. 

Such as Gyri and sulci. Alzheimer's Disease of Stress also causes. 

We have seen all these things but how can we avoid this? This is also your biggest question.

We have to increase the flow of oxygen firstly because this gas is necessary for our body, but this gas helps to keep us fresh and cool.

They come into the body at a low amount and because of this, the body gets tired. 

If the amount of oxygen is low in the body then we go to sleep. 

Exercise is also very important that relaxes our muscles. this reason your focus will not be lost.

Many books tell many types of things but it is not necessary to be true.

Many surveys have shown, that more than 60% of American people spend many days in very stressful conditions.

You must have known what causes our brain to freeze and we can stop it at the right time.

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