Nearly 30% of the world's population is obese.

Today, the biggest problem is obesity. Many parts of the world are troubled by obesity today.

A disorder involving excessive body fat that increases the risk of health problems.

Obesity often results from taking in more calories than are burned by exercise and normal daily activities.

Not only does obesity come from many of our other eating habits. 

We only recognize a man after seeing him.  He is fat.

He weighs more than his height. It is not true that every person is obese.

The health of the normal person is always under control and the health of the obese man has completely deteriorated.  

There is no control. We are seeing mostly obese women who eat and consume more carbohydrate substances than men.

The evidence of obesity seems to be different in men and women. 

They both have different weights. 

Walking when overweight It can be very difficult to move or run.

Obesity depends on many things like our BMI is according to our health. 

BMI depends on our height and width. It is usually from 18.5 to 25(healthy persons).  

Based on this, it measures the underweight or overweight.

Many people have a question of how can we reduce it in a month? But the truth is that no work is done in a hurry. 

If you want we can also reduce it at the right time. And we can give our body a good shape. 

It is also true that if we do not pay attention to it, then it can also become the biggest problem. 

We can not walk or sit properly.  Obesity is also reduced like the technique of cutting of abdominal fatty portion. 

All these procedures are done by operation. 

All of these procedures can be done easily today and there are no more costs.

All these techniques There are some weaknesses as well. 

The good thing about all these things is that we should eat less food and burn it as much as we eat or else it will remain fat in our body.

Eating mostly protein-rich fruits can prove to be very beneficial for us. 

Most of the modifications have been found that the natural flora that keeps our health very well.

But in the case of fatty food.- Receptors of our tongue feel very good when we consume them, but they make it fat in the intestinal region.

So we have seen so far that obesity is caused due to which? and how we can reduce it? we have also seen the method.

Which consequences of obesity?. This is why many people always ask questions.  

Let me tell you, a human can also die from this. In more situation's, there can also be increased BP, osteoarthritis, liver results, type 2 diabetes and most importantly coronary artery disease, which means heart attack.

Can this disease transmit from parent to child? What is the answer to this? The answer is -No, this is not a genetic disorder. 

It will depend on the nature of the children, how their life is. 

Their environment and community, many physiological factors are highly dependent on them also depends on child's lifestyle.

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