All information about nuclear power

Most of us think that nuclear power or nuclear power is a destructive force.

This is because the discovery of nuclear power began during World War II.

A team of international scientists led by Italian scientist Enrico Fermi was trained at the University of Chicago on December 2, 1942 

to develop the technique of continuing the nuclear chain process.

Was captured for the first time. The fact that the power that could be used for the welfare of all human beings should be used for the destruction of human beings from the very beginning is a great tragedy of science

On August 6, 1945, the first atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.  

Just three days later, another atomic bomb was dropped on the industrial city of Nagasaki in Japan.

Both bombs were detonated 600 meters in the air from the ground. The devastation was so great.

These two beautiful cities were destroyed. Of themThe householders were shocked. 

The women, men, and children of this city either died or were crippled.  

The two atomic bombs killed more than 100,000 people and injured about 75,000 others.

What exactly is nuclear energy?  Before we can understand its nature, we must have a clear idea of ​​all the objects, elements, molecules and atoms, let us consider it now.

The earth, the planets, the stars, etc. are all made up of things called objects. 

All objects are made of a few pure substances that cannot be divided into simpler substances. 

Such pure substances are called elements.  A total of 92 such elements are found in nature.  

In recent years, scientists have created about 12 new elements in the laboratory. 

The lightest of the natural elements is hydrogen and the heaviest is uranium. Most of the elements are simple Like solid, for example, iron, silver, copper, lead, mercury is found in liquids, while elements such as chlorine and oxygen are found in gases. 

By the time the elements come together, a new substance is formed. 

Such a new substance is called a compound. Take water, which covers 3/4 of the earth's surface. 

Water is a compound made up of two elements, oxygen and hydrogen.

The ratio of the elements participating in the compound to each other is fixed.

The compound has its unique properties.  We all know that water has many uses. One of them is fire extinguishing.

Surprisingly, of the two gases that make up water, one is hydrogen which is flammable and the other is flammable oxygen.

If you take a substance like chalk and cut them into very small pieces, each piece will have all the properties of the original chalk. 

Suppose you cut this chalk into such small pieces that it is not possible to cut such small pieces again into smaller pieces or sections.

When this is done, this small piece of chalk, which has all the properties of the original chalk, is called a chalk molecule.

Chalk is made up of three elements: molecules, calcium, carbs and oxygen. If such a piece of chalk is modelled on the above three elements, it will not be the same as the original chalk.

One molecule of water contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.  

To get an idea of ​​how microscopic a water molecule is in terms of size, it can be said that the total number of molecules in the Mediterranean will be found in one drop of rain.

Let us now consider an element like iron.  Let's take a piece of iron and cut it into small pieces so that at last one It will be impossible to cut even more small pieces or sections.  

A small piece or piece of iron is called an atom.  

The English word atom means an element that cannot be divided into smaller pieces or parts.

Many ancient Greek philosophers believed that if an object were to be crushed or crushed, the process of breaking it into small pieces would never end.  Others, however, were adamant that it would not be possible to continue the process of dismembering beyond a certain limit.

These philosophers have to say that the last particle of the element was the atom which was the idea.

Atoms, on the other hand, are largely empty or hollow spaces.

The atom is composed mainly of three different species of particles.

They are protons, electrons and neutrons. 

All atoms have a centre.  It is called the nucleus.

Most of the weight of the atom is stored in the centre.  
Around the nucleus of the molecule, very light and microscopic elements move from the electron to a specific orbit in a very fast circle. 

Just like in our planetary system, nine planets are orbiting the central sun!  Electrons have a small amount of negative electricity.

In the nucleus, two elements, called protons and neutrons, are closely linked. 

The positive energy reserves on protons are equal to the energy reserves on electrons.

The number of electrons and protons in an atom is equal to each other.  

Thus the total energy reserves of all the electrons in the atom are equal to the total energy reserves of all the protons in it. 

Therefore, there is no storage of any kind of electricity on the atom.  That is, the atom is completely neutral in terms of electricity.

Neutrons do not have electricity reserves. Its mass or weight is about the same as that of a proton.

The action of the electrons that revolve around the nucleus is similar to that of the Earth's orbit around the sun.

The discovery of the atomic bomb changed the whole picture of our war.  

Gone are the days of years of war. Space to drop only one atomic bomb. 

Think of the whole city as bewildered.  Experiment Just sit at school and press the button!  

Imagine a long-range ballistic missile with an atomic bomb in its mouth coming out of the sky in the direction of a distant target. 

In a war in which both sides are willing to use the atomic bomb as they wish, it is difficult to imagine how horrible it will be. 

For the first time in human history, there is a fear that the use of atomic bombs by both sides in future wars will wipe out the very existence of life on this planet.

The discovery of the atomic bomb, the greatest destructive force of all time, has come into the hands of man.  

But at the same time, this power has given him a happy hope for the future.

One day shortly, as we are using coal, mineral oil, natural energy resources, etc. very fast nowadays.

The dawn will come when you can use this today.  But there are increases. So let the man go to power

You do not have the permission required to post.  The opposite is true. 

The controlled form of the reactor has become and will continue to take place.  So sometimes there is no drought.

Nuclear reactors are providing power to wonderful submarines. Unlucky huge

It will dawn when all these stocks are completely exhausted. 

By using as much energy as you can, you can enjoy many comforts in your life today. 

But with the increasing improvement, our energy needs are also increasing. 

As a result, man's attention has shifted to natural resources other than natural resources like coal, oil, etc.

This is where the atom stands to help you. The huge energy stored in the nucleus does not need to be pulled out in a single blast.

On the contrary, it is possible to control it and implement it for the service of man. 

A device that delivers nuclear energy slowly in a controlled manner is called a reactor.

The reactors have been set up and are in operation, and as time goes on, they will take the place of the current power plants.

Therefore, even if there is a shortage of fuels currently used for power generation, our improved lives will not be ruined.

The reactors are doing wonderful work.  They are supplying power to ships and submarines.  

They are also generating electricity at the nuclear power plant.

The special feature of supernatural power is that it can be supplied to us for a long time as it contains a huge amount of energy stored in a small amount of nuclear fuel. 

In August 1958, a nuclear-powered submarine named Nautilus, which sailed from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean beneath the icy North Pole, had to refuel only once.

I think nuclear power would be useful for long-distance travel in space.

If a man decides to establish a colony on the moon, the energy required for it can be obtained through nuclear power.

The ninth use of nuclear energy is unfolding every day.  

It can be said that the atomic bomb started the changes that were necessary to start the atomic age on earth. 

The various miracles of this atomic age are now visible to us;  Many more miracles are yet to come.

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