The Gillete company sold just 168 blades in its first year.

Gillette is considered to be the largest beard blade company today. 

But you know that it also faced a lot of problems when it was not able to sell its blades. 

The most important part of any business is that, let us be patient. 

That's why it is said that the fruit of patience is sweet. 

When the Gillette company was started, it was able to sell only a few blades in its entire year.  

This is an American company. Gillette brand was also found in many countries. 

Gillette was primarily founded by King C Gillette in 1901. 

When this company started Its first owner was Procter & Gamble.

Gillette's company was reaching their production. 

long long year's ago it was the only one available in the city of Boston, USA. 

But today's time the use of blades by people has increased. 

This is the reason why today 4-5 new countries Gillette are produced in the city of Boston.

there are many other types of Gillettes available in the market. 

When the Gillette company sold its products for very little money, then increase their productivity and number of the customer.

this company hit billions of dollars when this was increased product availability in the market.  

Like all these were available even in the countryside.  

People were also demanding a lot for this blade, then along with America, the company was also established in Brazil, Mexico, China and Poland. 

Today, many of their products have come into the market. 

The CEO of this company is Gary. Combe(invent many things). 

We are Gillette can be used normally 5 to 7 times. But people mostly use it only once or twice. 

With the increasing demand, the employees working in this company have increased. 

Today more than 28,700 people are working there and they earn more than 67.7 billion in the whole year. 

Today along with the Gillette company, many such companies are blades available in the market.  

Like we see" razor "company in the market. According to the company's data, the company sold 6.3 million blades in 2019

If we use someone else's blade or your blade more often, it can also cause many infections and tumours. 

Gillette has the 14th most famous personal brand. 

Astra Superior Platinum is considered to be the fastest blade in the world. Its progress today is so big. 

when it started, 168 blades were sold and today they sell more than 35 lac blades. 

This company comes in India 1984  And today Gillette is used all over India.

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